Thursday, November 6, 2008


--hearing about the bad shape of the economy
(yes, the economy sucks. it's not George Bush's fault. get over it.)
(don't people have any respect for Gandhi?? he said BE THE CHANGE, not vote for it.)
--missing high school
(can't go back, don't really want to...why waste time reliving the past?)
--my iPod being dead
(i need music and keep forgetting to charge! ugh!)
--being lazy
(it accomplishes very little and i want to get active!)
--stacks of books sitting around my room unread
(i lack motivation and focus. c'mon Tori, READ!)
--returning unwatched movies to Hastings
(mostly because they're lame. someone create an amazing movie, FAST)
--not being able to think of things to write on this blog
(so i'm writing lists. haha)
--being sick
(cough, sniffle, cough, sneeze, ahhhhhhh)
(i'm so over the college thing. i have stuff to do)
--complaints about the election results
(if you didn't vote, SHUT UP. if you voted McCain, good decision, but there's nothing you can do about his loss. sorry. be WE the people and get over it.)
--my hair
(it won't straighten! is something wrong with my beloved sedu???)
--people who voted for Obama because he's ending the war and bringing our troops home
(he's not bringing them home. he's relocating them to afghanistan. the war is far from over. check your facts before you start debates)

"We live in a difficult world, a broken world."

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